- Postgraduate Program: The "MSc in Law and Economics in Energy Markets" has as its subject the fields "European and International Energy Economics" and "European and International Energy Law". The purpose of the program is to promote knowledge and develop interdisciplinary analysis and research in the field of energy markets. In particular, the MSc aims to train specialized scientists, able to adequately meet the needs of companies and public and private sector organizations, in Greece, in Europe and internationally, to resolve complex legal and economic issues and to contribute decisively to the operation and development of companies active especially in the field of energy markets.
- Socio-Economic and Environmental Sustainability Research Laboratory (ReSEES): The "Research laboratory on Socio-Economic and Environmental Sustainability” (ReSEES) serves teaching and research needs in the subject Sustainable Management of Natural Resources and Energy: Economic, Econometric and Economic, Social Aspects . Central to the mission of "ReSEES" is the pursuit of excellence in conducting and presenting research and exploring issues related to the environment, natural resources and energy at different time and space scales.
- Energy & Sustainability Club: The "Energy & Sustainability Club" is under the "umbrella" of the International MBA program. The main activities of the association are the organization of seminars and lectures by energy experts, as well as conducting scientific research in the fields of energy, environment and sustainable development.
- Conferences – Seminars: we organized several conferences on the topic, such as the 7th Energy Conference on "Innovation & Investments towards a Sustainable Transitional Energy", the Conference on "Energy Markets, European Union and Greece: achievements and prospects", a Seminar on "Economy and Energy - the Current of the time" and on Blockchain technology in the field of Energy.
- Media awareness: through AUEB’s newspaper “OPAnews” as well as several press releases we raised awareness on the topic of energy through interviews, scientific articles written by our faculty members as well as communicated our seminars and events.