News Archive
Dual/Double M.Sc. Degree in “Statistics and Financial Analytics” from Athens University of Economics and Stevens Institute of Technology
AUEB’s Department of Economics supports the organization of the 20th Conference on Research on Economic Theory and Econometrics from July 11 through July 15, 2022 at Tinos
Cooperation Agreement between the Athens University of Economics and Business and Accenture
Selection of 15 undergraduate and postgraduate AUEB students to attend summer school organized by the Southwestern University of Finance & Economics (SWUFE) free of charge
The Athens University of Economics and Business signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Michigan State University. The collaboration begins with a Summer Study Program in the field of digital business (DigiBiz)
AUEB-NKUA-Indiana Conference in Biostatistics & Health Analytics, 4-6 July 2022, Aegina Island
ΑΙ@AUEB talk: "Spectral Algorithms for Ranking Regression" by Stratis Ioannidis, Northeastern University, USA, Tuesday, 28 June 17.15
JA Start-up 2022: First Prize for the digital idea of DMST team
Professor Robert J. Barro will be awarded an Honorary Doctorate by the Department of Economics of the Athens University of Economics and Business on June 8th, 2022
Cooperation Agreement between the Athens University of Economics and Business and the Peloponnese & Western Greece Federation of Enterprises and Industries
AI@AUEB talk : "On new variants of multiplicative weights update and mirror descent methods for zero-sum games", by Vangelis Markakis, Tuesday 7 June 2022, 17:15-18:00
AUEB and Kelley School of Business, Indiana University, strengthen their strategic cooperation
Students of the Department of Economics-AUEB, represented Greece at the UNESCO World Higher Education Conference 2022
Memorandum of Understanding between the Athens University of Economics and Business with the Hanoi University of Home Affairs in Vietnam
Presentation of the Department of Statistics - AUEB to Schools
The finals of this year's Negotiation World Championship “The Negotiation Challenge 2022” were hosted by Athens University of Economics and Business and the MSc in International Negotiations
Event in honor of Prof. Nikolaos Christodoulakis and Prof. Anastasios Xepapadeas | Department of International and European Economic Studies
Short Course: Basketball Data Science, 23-24/5/22
6th AUEB Sports Analytics Workshop (AUEB SAW2022), 26-27/5/22
Reception of Taiwan representatives at the Athens University of Economics and Business
"SCIENCE AGORA": The first "Proof of Concept" program, regarding environment and energy, starts with the support of Google
Double M.Sc. Degree in Statistics & Finance of the Department of Statistics of Athens University of Economics and Business and the Department of Economics and Management of University of Pavia
Reception of the Ambassador of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam at the Athens University of Economics and Business
International Distinction: The most Influential Paper Award for Georgios Gousios and Diomidis Spinellis
Memorandum of Cooperation between Université Saint-Louis - Bruxelles and the Athens University of Economics and Business
Science Agora Entrepreneurship Bootcamp, May 10-11, 2022
Department of Management Science & Technology 18th Student Conference: "Digital Transformation", Thursday 19 May 2022
Event in honor of Prof. Nikolaos Christodoulakis and Prof. Anastasios Xepapadeas | Department of International and European Economic Studies – Friday, May 6th 2022
Award of Doctorate ‘Honoris Causa’ and Address of Professor Olivier Blanchard on ‘Reform of EU Fiscal Rules’
Students create an anti-cartel campaign: a collaboration between the Competition Committee and the Athens University of Economics and Business
Athens University of Economics & Business Postgraduate Program in International Negotiations «The Negotiation Challenge 2022»
«Greece into the European Union», by the MSc in International European Economic Studies in collaboration with Université Paris-Dauphine’s
Professor Sir Richard Blundell was awarded an Honorary Doctorate by the Athens University of Economics and Business
The alumni sailing team of the Executive MBA of the Athens University of Economics and Business competes against the world’s top business schools in the 16th Global MBA Trophy 2022
Panhellenic Student Negotiations Competition, Athens Negotiations Tournament, May 14-15 & 28-29, 2022
New international recognition for the Athens University of Economics and Business in 2022
The Rector of AUEB Professor Dimitris Bourantonis at the Delphi Economic Forum VII
Event held by the MSc in Economics-AUEB attended by 26 students of Master's Program "International Economic Expertise" of the Dauphine Université Paris
Professor Nancy Pouloudi Greek President at AIS
Applied Doctoral Research Program - 1st Announcement/Invitation, 1/4/2002
Professor Koundouri and co-authors, received the prize for the Best Applied Article published by the Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis.
"Restoring and attributing ancient texts using deep neural networks", Thea Sommerschield, Yannis Assael, Marita Chatzipanagiotou, John Pavlopoulos, 29/3, 17:15
Professor Diomidis Spinellis has received the designation of “Distinguished Contributor Recognition Program” by IEEE Computer Society
AUEB presents a comprehensive program of Social Responsibility and Offering
The Municipality of Athens, the Athens University of Economics and Business and the National Technical University of Athens join forces to support innovation and entrepreneurship
Prof. Ion Androutsopoulos and researchers John Pavlopoulos and Marita Chatzipanagiotou, contributed to a significant work published in Nature journal
MBA International graduate Sotirios Ptochos wins the prestigious MBA Startup of the Year 2022 Award
"Hand it ... to HERMES", March 8 & 9, 10:00-14:00
Athens University of Economics & Business: International Recognition in the field of Computer Science
Presentation of AUEB’s Undergraduate Study Programs to Lyceum students, on March 10, 2022
An important distinction for Professor N. Pouloudi’s published work
The "Tech Connect Event" was held with great success for the first time
AUEB "adopts" "Hermes", the pan-Hellenic association of Parents, Guardians & Friends of People with Disabilities
VIMA on Sunday is published together with OPA News
18th Management Science & Technology Student Conference entitled "Digital Transformation: The Radical Changes in New Technologies in Modern Society and Business"
Retail Customer Experience Awards 2021 | 1st Customer Experience Competition, Physical & Online Store
AUEB’s Human Resource Management Laboratory Research: "Teleworking: Will it stay with us?"
The Conference "Innovation in Greece and the institutions that support it 3.0" was completed with great success for the third consecutive year
Registration/participation in the 3rd Student Competition in Economics "HERMES" has started
Visit of the delegates of the University of Business & Technology (UBT) of Saudi Arabia at AUEB campus
AUEB receives the Gold Award by the Hellenic Institute of Business Ethics - EBEN GR
Athens University of Economics & Business: Social Contribution Actions
The undergraduate BSc in Accounting and Finance program, offered by the Department of Accounting & Finance, has become a member of the Chartered Financial Analysts’ (CFA) University Affiliation Program.
Conference "The Greek Economy: from 1821 to date "
Lecture by Dr. Demosthenes Ioannou, Senior Lead Economist, European Central Bank at the Department of Economics
An AUEB event for the Certification of Postgraduate Programs
The School of Business Administration of the Athens University of Economics and Business among the top 300 Business Schools worldwide according to Eduniversal
Prioritizing internationalization: William & Mary - AUEB collaboration
Global recognition for 15 scientists of the Athens University of Economics and Business
Athens University of Economics and Business among the internationally renowned Institutions in the field of "Finance and Business Administration”
Collaboration Agreement between AUEB and SEV (Hellenic Federation of Enterprises). A new era begins with the collaboration of students, young scientists, Universities and Greek enterprises with actions which will be immediately realized.
OPA RUN 2021: A celebration for everyone at Pedion of Areos, Athens
The global immersion program of William & Mary – Raymond A. Mason School of Business Executive MBA is organized in Athens in cooperation with the Athens University of Economics and Business
Athens University of Economics & Business receives an International Distinction in Social Sciences
The Athens University of Economics and Business hosted the HERMES annual Conference for 2021
3rd OPA Run | Sunday, October 31, 2021 | "All together for Pedion of Areos"
Best Paper Award for Dr Stavros Vourloumis and As. Professor Ioannis Thanos
HAEE 6th Forum Award for Professor George Ioannou for “a long-standing contribution in the establishment of the backbone of the Greek Energy Market and the Energy Exchange Group”
Successful implementation of the Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility Program (2108 Project) at the Athens University of Economics and Business
Professor Christos Tarantilis becomes Chairman of the Research and Technology Committee of the Greek Parliament
Global Recognition for the Postgraduate Programs of the Athens University of Economics and Business for 2022
Innovative collaboration of the Athens University of Economics & Business with the University of Quebec
AUEB Professors link “vanity” plates in Greece with “conspicuous corruption”
18th e-Summer School in Risk Finance and Stochastics Risk Finance and Stochastics RFS-2021 Web, 6–8 September 2021
Distinction in the JA Europe Enterprise Challenge 2021
"10 Years Athens Business Confucius Institute: Τhe future of a prosperous collaboration", Online Conference, 30/6/2021, 10:00
The Resilience of the Euro: Online lecture of Professor Philip R. Lane, June 22, 2021, at the Department of Economics of AUEB
Deep Generative models and Inverse Problems, 16 June, 18:00, by Alex Dimakis Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, University of Texas at Austin, USA
"The Resilience of the Euro", by Philip R. Lane, 22 June 2021, 17:00 - 18:30
"Europe in Modern Greece: The constant Navarino", by Kevin Featherstone and George Pagoulatos, 1 June 2021, 17:00 - 18:00
Cooperation between the Athens University of Economics and Business and iMEdD (incubator for Media Education and Development) non-profit journalism organization
AUEB Sports Analytics Workshop 2021 (SAW2021), 24-25 May 2021 & Short Course on Football Analytics, 26-27-28 May 2021
Collaboration of the Athens University of Economics and Business with the Hebei University of Economics and Business
AUEB announces collaboration with Kelley School of Business, Indiana University
Executive ΜΒΑ students compete in the global Business Strategy Game and excel
A students team from the Department of Accounting and Finance excelled in the Hult Prize Competition in Doha, Qatar
Webinar: "Stochastic Models in earthquake studies", Πέμπτη 18 Μαρτίου, 10:00