Nikos Fotiou, Giannis Marias and George Polyzos from AUEB's Department of Informatics got the best paper award at the workshop on Information-centric Networking, ICN2012


Nikos Fotiou, Giannis Marias and George Polyzos from AUEB’s Department of Informatics got the best paper award at the workshopon Information-centric Networking, ICN2012 for their paper "Access Control Enforcement Delegation for Information-Centric Networking Architectures". The workshop, which took place in Helsinki, Finland August 13-17, 2012, was held at SIGCOMM 2012.

With over 80 participants it was the second most popular workshop at the conference, beaten only by the workshop on Software Defined Networking (SDN), which is currently the most hyped area in networking research.

At the workshop 16 high quality papers were presented. The papers addressed a wide range of ICN research issues including, architecture, routing, resource management, forwarding, caching and mobility. There were also papers addressing how ICN technology can be applied in a data center context as well as how to provide access control in an ICN environment.

The paper will be re-published in a special issue of Computer Communications Review (CCR).

All papers of the ICN2012 workshop are available at

Last updated: 12 December 2016