AI@AUEB talk: "Factuality Challenges in the Era of Large Language Models", by Preslav Nakov

AI@AUEB Talk, Friday 8 March, 17:15-18:30 (Greek time)
Speaker: Preslav Nakov
Title: "Factuality Challenges in the Era of Large Language Models"

Room: Room T202, AUEB Troias building (2 Troias Str., Troias wing, 2nd floor)
and virtually via MS Teams:

  1. Meeting ID: 390 339 720 702
  2. Passcode: bC8kho


We will discuss the risks, the challenges, and the opportunities that Large Language Models (LLMs) bring regarding factuality. We will then delve into our recent work on using LLMs to assist fact-checking (e.g., claim normalization, stance detection, question-guided fact-checking, program-guided reasoning, and synthetic data generation for fake news and propaganda identification), on checking and correcting the output of LLMs, on detecting machine-generated text (blackbox and whitebox), and on fighting the ongoing misinformation pollution with LLMs. Finally, we will discuss work on safeguarding LLMs, and the safety mechanisms we incorporated in Jais-chat, the world's best open Arabic-centric foundation and instruction-tuned LLM.

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Last updated: 12 March 2024