Zacharias Eleftherios

Eleftherios Zacharias is Assistant Professor at the Department of Economics. He received his Ph. D from the University of Illinois. He has worked as lecturer at the University of Cyprus and as assistant professor at the University of Ioannina. His research fields are Industrial Organization and Mechanism Design. In the field of Industrial Organization he examines the pricing strategies of multi-product firms when they introduce new, more advanced, products. In the field of Mechanism Design he analyzes the efficiency properties of call markets when the number of buyers is different than the number of sellers and agents have private information about the objects offered for sale. His recent publications include articles in the Journal of Economic Theory, the Journal of Business and Economic Statistics the Journal of Applied Econometrics etc.
* Το Οικονομικό Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών δεν φέρει καμία ευθύνη όσον αφορά στην ακρίβεια των στοιχείων του συνοπτικού και του πλήρους βιογραφικού των μελών του προσωπικού, όπως αυτά αναρτώνται στην ιστοσελίδα του. Η ευθύνη ανήκει αποκλειστικά και μόνο στους συντάκτες των βιογραφικών σημειωμάτων.