
Through the organisation of thematic events, we instil in our community the values and ideals of volunteerism. The 17 UN objectives for a better, fairer, and more sustainable world are the compass of AUEB’s Volunteers.
Already 3 OPA RUNS have been completed with great success and we are planning the 4th in Pedion of Areos to propose a healthy lifestyle and promote quality neighbourhood life.
Gen Z designs future applications, starting from AUEB’s desks. It brings technology to your… nightstand and the world suddenly becomes so simple…
The little HERMES was adopted by the big HERMES and will host its bazaars and exhibitions, will receive technological assistance for its operation and training practices in handling people with disabilities. In this context, the university complements and modifies its facilities so that they are largely accessible to people with disabilities also contributing to the improvement of the environment (traffic lights).
The Social Tutoring Centres organized by the Archdiocese and the Municipality of Athens recruit every year AUEB students who tutor children from low-income families.
Every year in the framework of the Voluntary Blood Donation Days, many members of AUEB’s Community contribute to the strengthening of the blood bank of the Panagiotis and Aglaia Kyriakou Children's Hospital, offering the invaluable gift of life for many of our fellow citizens.
Emergency services are provided whenever deemed appropriate for the relief of our fellow citizens who become victims of natural catastrophes or other disasters (floods, fires, earthquakes, etc.).