
Dual/Double M.Sc. Degree in “Statistics and Financial Analytics” from Athens University of Economics and Stevens Institute of Technology
The Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB), in the framework of its international cooperation and internationalization plan, has signed a new double Master's degree agreement with the Stevens Institute of Technology.  ... more
15 Προπτυχιακοί και Μεταπτυχιακοί φοιτητές του ΟΠΑ επελέγησαν για να παρακολουθήσουν το θερινό σχολείο του Southwestern University of Finance & Economics (SWUFE) της Κίνας με απαλλαγή διδάκτρων
Selection of 15 undergraduate and postgraduate AUEB students to attend summer school organized by the Southwestern University of Finance & Economics (SWUFE) free of charge ... more
Διπλό Μεταπτυχιακό στη Στατιστική και τα Χρηματοοικονομικά του Τμήματος Στατιστικής του Οικονομικού Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών και του Τμήματος Οικονομικών και Διοικητικής του Πανεπιστημίου της Παβία
The Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB), in the framework of its international cooperation and internationalization plan, has entered into the first double Master's degree agreement with the University of Pavia. More specifically, the Department of Statistics has managed to enable graduates of the full-time Master's degree in Statistics to complete the Master's degree in Finance (Laurea Magistrale in Economics, Finance and International Integration, Finance Specialization, MEFI for short) of the University of Pavia with a reduced number of courses and a joint thesis. The students' mobility will also be financed by the ERASMUS+ program. Similarly, postgraduate students of the MEFI Master's program of the University of Pavia can follow the full-time Master's program in STATISTICS. Double Degree programs are innovative and integrated collaborated study programs organized jointly between two University institutions originated in different countries. Such programs provide will spend one year at each university. Upon successful completion, students of the course and final examination will receive two university degrees, one from each partner institution. ... more
Reception of Taiwan representatives at the Athens University of Economics and Business
The Vice Rector for International Cooperation and Growth, Prof. Vassilis Papadakis, and the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs and Personnel, Prof. Vassilis Vasdekis, welcomed on May 13, 2022 at the Senate Hall of the Athens University of Economics & Business, the Second Secretary of the Taipei Representative Office in Greece, Ms. Stephanie C. F. Lee, responsible for Cultural Affairs, and the Advisor of the Representative Office, Mr. Panagiotis Karlis. ... more
Memorandum of Cooperation between Université Saint-Louis - Bruxelles and the Athens University of Economics and Business
Memorandum of Cooperation between Université Saint-Louis - Bruxelles and the Athens University of Economics and Business ... more
Υποδοχή του Πρέσβη της Σοσιαλιστικής Δημοκρατίας του Βιετνάμ στο Οικονομικό Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών
The Vice Rector for International Cooperation and Development, Professor Vassilis Papadakis, received on April 29, 2022 at the Athens University of Economics and Business, the Ambassador of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, His Excellency Mr. Le Hong Truong, in the presence of the Member of Parliament & and Chairman of the Parliamentary Friendship Group of Greece-Vietnam, AUEB’s Professor Christos Tarantilis. ... more
The Rector of AUEB Professor Dimitris Bourantonis at the Delphi Economic Forum VII
The Rector of AUEB Professor Dimitris Bourantonis at the Delphi Economic Forum VII ... more
Statements of the Rector, Professor D. Bourantonis and the Vice Rector of International Cooperation and Growth, Professor V. Papadakis
"The Athens University of Economics and Business is the most recognized University in the country in the fields of Economics and Business. Its fundamental values ​​are: Excellence, Extroversion, Innovation and Social Responsibility. The international orientation of the Athens University of Economics and Business aims at promoting  ... more
 Visit of the delegates of the University of Business & Technology (UBT) of Saudi Arabia at AUEB campus
As part of AUEB’s Internationalization Program, a visit was made by delegates of the University of Business and Technology (UBT) of Saudi Arabia on Monday 10/1/22. 22 female students and 8 female professors as representatives of the 4 faculties of UBT - University of Business & Technology (Business Administration, Engineering, Advertising, & Law) were hosted at AUEB’s premises. The program included a presentation of the two universities, a meeting with AUEB’s Rector, a discussion between the Vice-Rectors and other professors- UBT professors with the Deans of AUEB’s Schools. ... more
AUEB: Aspiring to be a European education hub
The Athens University of Economics and Business is one of the most extrovert tertiary institution in Greece. Its impressive, for its size, Erasmus program, hosts more than 370 European students every year. o strengthen its international position it has adopted a new extroversion strategy.  ... more
